Social Participation - English

Class 01 - Social Participation in Condominial Sanitation Projects

In class 01 of the Social Participation module we will speak about:

  • The importance of social participation in condominial sanitation projects.

Class 02 - Knowledge of the Local Reality and Social Promotion

In class 02 of the Social Participation module we will talk about:

  • Knowledge of reality and social mobilization.

Class 03 - Basic Rules, Adherence to the System and Condominium Meeting

 In class 03 of the Social Participation module we will talk about:

  • Ground rules
  • Membership and the condominium meeting.

Class 04 - Condominial System and Behavioral Change

In class 04 of the Social Participation module we will talk about:

  • We are going to talk about the process of changing user behavior with respect to sanitation.