Video lessons on SaniHUB RedBasica software

RedBasica was the first in SaniHUB's QGIS plugin series (former SaniBID), with its first beta version being tested in 2017 and its first official version released in 2019.
Thought at first with an educational objective, since it is the first and only software that brings specific tools used in sewer network design for Condominial systems (Basic Networks), it evolved to a tool capable of supporting real projects of both Conventional and Condominial sewer networks.
Some of the advantages SaniHUB RedBasica provides are:
- Ease both in the layout of new collectors and in the edition of existing collectors, which makes it possible to allow the study of alternatives and the optimization of the system;
- The flexibility of parameters in hydraulic calculations and sizing of the designed networks;
- Integration of the hydraulic analysis and sizing tool with the network drawing in QGIS;
- Integration with a GIS system, which facilitates several operations such as queries and spatial analysis, storage of information of the collectors in each segment;
- Facilitation of the asset registration process (networks) since the project is already developed in a GIS environment;
- Because it is free and open-source software, it allows the sharing not only of the blueprints and calculation memory spreadsheets but of the project in its entirety, which facilitates auditing and verification by the client, in addition to allowing simulations, editions, and updates to the proposed system.
*The video lessons provided here are for version 1.0 SaniHUB RedBasica, where the hydraulic analyses and network sizing steps use an Excel-based spreadsheet provided along with the QGIS plugin.
As the software is constantly being updated, video lessons containing the newest tools are under development and will be available soon.
In the download section you can download the latest version of the plugin, the spreadsheet (optional) and also access the complete manual for the latest version.
All video lessons of version 1.0 have subtitles in English, Spanish and French (to view the subtitles and change the language use YouTube's own subtitles tool)
Meet the Instructor

Civil Engineer, IDB consultant with experience in Condominial sanitation system projects and using geographic information systems for sanitation. One of the creators of RedBasica and coordinator of the SaniHUB portal.